I've mentioned that for the past 3 decades I've been an ardent consumer of US made products. My home is filled with domestic goods, as is my business.
The boxes and shipping tape I purchase for our shipping department - Made in USA. The desks, chairs, paper, envelopes, pens, binders, etc. that I purchase for our office - Made in USA. I also purchase product material, some of which is recycled - Made in USA. Equipment & tools that I purchase such as fire extinguishers and hand trucks - Made in USA. Our company vehicles are union Made in USA. My business buys US made products whenever possible.
Are my shopping & purchasing habits unusual for an American manufacturer? Goodness, no, they are commonplace.
There is more to this than American manufacturers acting in support of our beloved country and each other, it's also a cost effective business practice. American manufacturers, like consumers, want products that deliver value. Don't show us something cheap and shoddy that we'll only need to replace in three months. We want dependability and quality. We understand well why an imported product may come at a slight savings, so we'll happily spend the difference to obtain quality and safety.
There is another consideration. Who would understand manufacturing processes if not manufacturers. We know well why lead & toxins are found in so many foreign made products.
We know that 98% of recalled products are foreign made and that about 90% are made in China. We know that most consumers never learn of recalled goods. We know that most recalled products are never returned to stores and instead remain in homes and businesses.
Like you, we have no desire to expose our children, grandchildren, customers, employees, pets or ourselves to the dangers of substandard products.
There is a very nice symmetry at play here in that the very same things we seek for our businesses & households, namely quality, safety, value & dependability, are the very same things we offer to consumers with our own products.
When you next visit our site, keep in mind that we're shopping with you. And don't be surprised if perhaps one of Mattel's VP's is shopping right along with us.
Mary - web person for FindUSMade.com
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